Thursday, August 9, 2007

Are Aliens really just Astral Beings?

Are Aliens really just Astral Beings?

I know that sounds crazy! Some people don't believe in either but when I was a child I had some strange experiences regarding aliens and what I thought were "bad people" or "monsters" in my dreams.

When I was very very young, probably only 2 I had a dream that these four skinny grey guys with big heads would come to me in my room and escort me through the closet door (I mean right through it, it was closed!) towards the east side of the house. After entering the closet we were transported to a room I had never seen before.

It was a big room. There were white lights all around but I couldn't tell where they were coming from. In the middle of the room was a black swivel chair with someone sitting in it. He was very dark. I could barely make out his face and he spoke in a toungue that I did not know. Hell I was only 2 I could barely understand english even. But I knew it didn't sound like when my parents talked. It was jumbled and garbled sounding. But somehow he conveyed his intentions to me in a vague sort of telepathic way that was hard to grasp. I was confused as to the real intent of these guys. (Since then I have forgotten what he wanted me to do but I remember it was very questionable to whether it was right or wrong, I was confused). In the back of my mind I started to think that I couldn't trust what they were conveying to me. And I had this gut feeling that maybe they were evil in some way.

Don't ask me how I remember all this. I was only 2 and this is the only thing I can ever remember from that time frame in my life. My grandmoother has asked me several times about trips to tennessee and canada we took when I was 2 and I could not remember anything from that time. Except this dream.

Anyway in the dream something happened. They were all communicating with each other about something. Something that had to do with me. I felt like they were trying to come up with ways to manipulate me. That made me panic. And it also made me mad. And as soon as those feelings hit me they all looked at me for a second and then they all grabbed me and dragged me back though the closet door to my bed.

Paralyzed, I watched them walk back through the closet door and disappear. After they were gone I noticecd a green ball of glowing light at the foot of my bed. I was still paralyzed but as the light started fading and getting dimmer I notice a heavy weight being lifted off me and eventually I was able to move again.

It was all too real to me then and I will never forget it.

A few years after that when I was about 4 I started having a different recurring nightmare about "The Man In The Closet", You see, there was this man in my closet that would only stick his hand out the crack in the closet door and he would reach out to me calling my name and asking me to help him. This only seemed to start happening after I had fallen almost asleep and then "he" would appear. I was so damn scared I would never get out of my bed and I would hide under the covers until I forced myself to wake up.

After a few weeks of this I guess I got fed up with it because this night would be different. As I started to fall asleep I heard the man calling for me in a really soft voice billy.... billy.... help me.... all you have to do is take my hand. This time I was mad, but I felt almost paralyzed in fear at the same time. So by this time in my life I had learned a little about God from my grandmother and I think that empowered me to get my ass up, walk over to the closet door and yell at him. "You're a bad man!" I said, "and I don't like you! Leave me alone!" And then I slammed the closet door shut on his hand. After that I heard a sound like a man falling several stories and then nothing. I never had that dream again after that night thank God.

I've had a few astral experiences in my adult life from practicing and learning techniques by Robert A. Monroe and they were similar to those 2 dreams. Especially the dream with the skinny grey guys.

So now I'm starting to think that the aliens people are seeing and reporting being abducted by are actually from the astral plane and they are not a physical manifestation in this space/time.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Dream Journal by Tom Maples

This is something I found on youtube. Very funny.


Test post

Friday, July 13, 2007

7/13/07 - Hmmmmmm.....

Well, I was so tired last night that I don't remember anything I dreamed. It might be the couple of Lortab I took for my shoulder though. I googled the term "dream journal" last night and I scanned a couple cool looking dream journal sites and bookmarked them. One looked really interesting.

I plan on looking it up later and checking it out more thoroughly. Maybe I should google the term "dream diary" too and see what pops up.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Strange Dreams

Last night:

I was in a broken down old house and there were flashing lights and loud shreiking noises everywhere. Some big husky guy was running around shouting orders for everyone to leave and I saw about 10 or 12 people running after him. I followed them and when we got outside I noticed they were all crowding into this little flying saucer looking thing. Then the husky guy started shouting at me to get into the cockpit of this thing and fly us away. I acted like I didn't know what he was talking about and I started running down the street.

While running I saw a weird looking machine. It looked like some sort of craft/plasma turret. Then after looking around I noticed there were a bunch of them around me. Right about then I heard this god aweful explosion coming from the sky so I looked upwards. I saw three old fashioned derigibles floating over the rooftops. I looked to my right and saw one in flames crashing toward the ground then I looked left again and saw one of the turrets shoot balls of fire at the middle airship and then IT came crashing to the ground in a fiery explosion.

I started running again. This time towards a broken down old barn with a baby blue Impala under the roof. There was an elderly lady trying to start the car with no luck so I took over. I had no luck at starting the car either. Explosions were starting to occur all around us so I told her to run and I started running again towards the fenceline. I had to pee real bad so I stopped near the back of the old barn to see if I could find a hiding spot. No luck. So I started running again. I got to the fence and scaled it and when I got to the top I just flipped right over it and jumped to the ground.

Finally I realized I had to pee so bad I woke up. :)